About us


A little about our background, services, leadership, support, and philanthropy.

EVTF is a Woman Owned Small Business with offices in upstate New York and affiliate partners in both the mid-south and western regions of the United States.  Our extensive background in Healthcare I.T. services and creative solutions across the spectrum of the business world, helps to position us very well to provide the support your clinicians and I.T. staff need today and for years to come.  View our brief presentation.

Since our early start into the field of I.T. services in 1986, members of our team have had that inner-drive to never settle for being “good enough”.  We learned quickly that technology doesn’t design, build, and support itself and the majority of the systems placed on the consumer market were not as user friendly or “plug-n-play” as everyone would like.

At EVTF, we believe that it’s not enough to just provide the services that are needed and then watch for the next check in the mail.  We understand that you have to invest in your clients, partners, and your community.  It’s up to us to set a shining example for others to emulate and improve upon.

That is why we not only raise our hands to volunteer and contribute when well organized and funded events take place in our local communities, we also take the initiative to seek opportunities that most would walk past or never notice.  EVTF has provided thousands of hours in skilled volunteer activities over the past three decades.

When EVTF was formed, it wasn’t for the sake of making a profit off of others, it was and will always be for the sake of making a difference for others.  Everything else, is secondary.

Whether it be through our internship program that helps students of technology obtain those sought after skills that few have when starting their first job in the field of I.T., or the volunteered hours provided to healthcare organizations across the U.S., we are taking the time to help those who need it most.  We understand that large and profitable organizations tend to spend massive amounts on their technology support needs (and wants). However, the majority of us in healthcare services do not have that luxury. For this group, it is imperative that we partner with LEAN-minded organizations that provide real value with a real savings.

EVTF does not host or entertain it’s potential clients.  Doing so would not add value to your organization; but would increase the cost of doing business.  Haven’t we already seen enough of that in today’s business climate.  We focus our energies and talents in the areas that matter to our clients.

EVTF utilizes GREEN energies to power it’s facilities and mobile command centers.  We buy when we must and develop our own solutions when it’s a good fit.  Doing so keeps our costs down and in turn, we share those savings with our clients.  Every expenditure at EVTF has to pass the litmus test.  If it won’t add value for our customers, then lets find another way to do it.

We understand that EVTF exists only because of our customers.  That is the main driver behind our “pay only for what you need”, instead of all the features that you don’t.  Why buy an entire “Smiley Meal*” when you aren’t that hungry and all you really wanted was the prize.  Wouldn’t you rather pay the fifty cents to get what you wanted and save the rest of your money for those really important things – like that tricked out

3M Littmann 3200 Electronic 27″ Stethoscope (w/ Ambient Noise Reduction).*

Or maybe you’re like the rest of us, who are scrambling to fund another blanket warmer for the ICU, or Smart-pumps for med-Surg, the replacement vital signs monitors on the cardiac unit, or a parent’s overnight lounge chair for the pediatric ward.  Regardless of what you find yourself holding yet another bake sale to help fund, we can help you reduce costs in your I.T. support and clinician burn-out associated with under-supported technologies, while increasing patient safety and efficiencies.







*  The smiley meal is not a registered trademark or actual product manufactured at the local fast food restaurant chain.  However, the stethoscope is.  This is not an endorsement for any products or services provided by any of the above mentioned.








~85 Crestwood Terrace, Albany, NY 12203




EVTF, LLC      A WOSB in upstate NY .

Serving the immediate IT needs of Clinicians across the U.S.





ACA – Affordable Care Act response (D.R.  DR  Disaster Recovery   Business Continuity  IT  I.T.  )

Support -Healthcare – I.T. – Clinicians – Helpdesk – Technology –

-EMR-healthcare-support-technology  Meditech  Epic Cerner McKesson

help /  training – for healthcare organizations